I am Alberto Rodrigues a digital science and communications researcher
In a future document i will send you a unique and genial methode Telecom can
use to
1) ) increase sales with more than 17% using just 70% of normal cost
in diferents countries and
2) Make a rebranding process in Greece ,Romania,in a very short time
3) Implement a know how which can permit Telecom to know who is using Telecom ,Vodafone ,Orange as his first mobile telephone services This is a very important strategy because after telecom will identify millions of peoples who are not using his service they can start immediatly implementing another strategy to motivate them to use their service
4) Present an innovative strategy which can help Telecom to compete in the European market in different way that it happen now
This is very important because up to now due to the fact that communications and mobile phone companies had been comptiting just carring with technology improvment they had been loosing billions of Euros ,and having a related low profit This it happen because beford your target can know a new service you are offering him a competitor will bring better offer to him
In a next document i will present you morfe informations about those very innovative projects and concepts until then if you want to know more about my researches an projects i had presented to the European Union commission you can follow those links
in the first stage i had